Create a portfolio that makes you stand out.

My career as a freelance Jewellery designer and illustrator relies on have a portfolio that showcases my style, skills and offering so my potential clients have an opportunity to see how I can support and provide value to their business.

My clients in the jewellery industry are not going to be aware of my capabilities if I don’t showcase my skills. I find that earning trust and creating a connection often comes from having a conversation starting portfolio.

What is a Portfolio?

A design portfolio is a carefully selected compilation of your top projects that highlights your design skills, creativity, and experience. It acts as a visual representation of your capabilities, showcasing your talent to prospective clients, employers, or partners.

Reasons I think every designer needs to Have a Design and illustration Portfolio:

  • Display of Skills: A portfolio showcases your design abilities, style, and the variety of projects you have handled, demonstrating your capabilities and problem-solving approach.

  • Establishes Credibility: A well-structured portfolio positions you as a dedicated professional, indicating your commitment to quality work and a history of successful design projects.

  • Attract Clients and Employers: Potential clients and employers often review portfolios to assess your suitability. A compelling portfolio can distinguish you from competitors and open up more opportunities.

  • Convey Your Brand: Your portfolio represents your personal brand, conveying your design principles, strengths, and individual flair, aiding in connecting with the right audience.

I’m Regularly updating my portfolio for a few reasons. 1. To track my development as a designer, 2. To maintain relevance in the jewellery industry and 3. to celebrate my milestones.

My tips for a well rounded portfolio:

  • Curate Your Best Work: Focus on your top and most relevant pieces. Prioritise quality over quantity.

  • Tell a Story and Demonstrate your thought process: Present your work through case studies. Describe the issue, your process, and the resolution to help potential clients grasp your methods and thinking.

  • Show Real-World Work: Display projects that have been implemented, even if they have imperfections. This showcases your ability to tackle practical challenges.

  • Highlight Results: Include the outcomes or effects of your work whenever feasible. This may involve metrics, client feedback, or before-and-after contrasts.

  • Ensure your portfolio is easy to navigate. A well-structured and clean layout helps the viewers to locating the information they seek.

  • Include variety and some experimentation: demonstrate your flexibility and ability to adjust to suit different client briefs.

  • Showcase Your Personality and Passion: Let your individual flair and enthusiasm shine to give potential clients or employers insight into your character.

  • Update Regularly: Maintain your portfolio with your latest and finest work to illustrate your ongoing activity and improvement.

  • Include good quality photos: Take time to capture clear images using natural lighting. Include images of as much of the process as possible (designs and finished pieces if possible)

My biggest take away is to make it your own! Showcase what makes you different and share glimpses into your “superpower” so you can stand out from the crowd and attract clients and brands that suit the way you work.
